Indoor Soccer Rules
Number of Players
Age Group | # of Players |
U7 & U-8 | 5 players one of whom is a goalkeeper, with no less than 3 players on the field at all times. |
U-9 to U-12 | 7 players, one of whom is a goalkeeper, with no less than 5 players on the field at all times. |
U-13 to Adults | 6 players, one of whom is a goalkeeper, with no less than 4 players on the field at all times. |
Coed Adult | 6 players, 4 men and 2 women, with maximum of 4 men on the field at all times. |
Size #5: U-13 through adult
Size #4: U-9 to U-12
Size #3: U-8 and under
SUBSTITUTIONS Substitutions may be made at any time on an unlimited basis during the game, provided the player substituted for is within the substitution arc and does not interfere with play at the time the replacing player enters the field of play.
GOALKEEPER SUBSTITUTION Any teammate may change places with the goalkeeper at any stoppage, provided that the goalkeeper wears a jersey that does not conflict with either the referee or other players and provided the referee is notified before the substitution is made.
PLAYERS EQUIPMENT Players wear their team’s uniform, consisting of the same colors (not shades of the same color). We encourage uniforms with unique numbers 6 inches or larger on the back. Shin guards are required and must be covered by socks and indoor footwear. No outdoor cleats allowed! Jewelry and other accessories are prohibited (exceptions must be approved through league manager). The goalkeeper shall wear colors that distinguish him/her from field players and referee. Shirts and shoes must be worn at all times. If player jersey colors conflict, the home team is obliged to change colors. The away team may also change if both teams are agreeable. If the home team has actual jerseys and the away team does not, the away team must change. We do not provide pinnies or bibs.
DANGEROUS EQUIPMENT Players shall not be permitted to wear anything deemed dangerous by the referee (talk to the league manager if there is a conflict of opinion). Any cast worn must be properly padded to the satisfaction of the referee. Players will not be allowed to participate until their equipment meets with the approval of the referee/league manager. A two-minute time penalty shall be assessed to the offender who enters the game having failed to carry out the equipment adjustment as requested by the referee.
REFEREES’ RESPONSIBILITY The decisions of the Referee regarding facts connected with play and interpretations of the rules are final.
The referee has the following responsibilities:
(a) Enforce the rules
(b) Advantage: Refrain from penalizing in cases where they are satisfied that, by so doing, they would give an advantage to the offending team.
(c) The referee has the discretionary power to suspend the game for any serious infringement of the rules, interference by spectators or other cause, should suspension be deemed necessary. In the event of the suspension being attributed to one specific team, that team shall forfeit the game. If the point total attributed to the non-offending team at the time of that suspension exceeds the forfeit point total (4-0), then the score shall be allowed to stand. If both teams are deemed by the referee to be at fault to a serious degree, a double forfeit will be the result, and neither team will receive any points.
(d) Illegal Entry: Allow no person other than the players and other referee to enter the field of play without permission.
(e) Injury Stoppage: Stop the game if, in their opinion a player has been injured; have the player removed as soon as possible from the field of play, without risking further trauma as a result of removal; and immediately resume the game. The time clock will not be stopped unless, at the discretion of the referee, medical personnel must remove the injured player from the field. Ball possession shall go to the team in possession at the time of the stoppage. If there was no clear possession, the game will resume with a drop ball.
(f) Player discipline: Caution any player guilty of misconduct or ungentlemanly behavior and if the player persists, suspend him from participation in the game.
(g) Non-player discipline: Penalize or eject any coach or non-playing team personnel. All penalties or ejections of non-playing personnel will result in a two or five minute penalty to the offending team.
(h) Oversee the goal totals.
The referee is also responsible for the following:
(a) Indicating illegal substitutions
(b) Operating the score board
(c) Signaling a 3 line violation
(d) Controlling benches
(e) Submitting the game record to Silverbacks Indoor management
(f) Controlling time penalties
(g) Ensuring the official time is correct and that full time is allowed
(h) Enforcing the laws of the game. Violations will be signaled by his or her whistle, which stops play. Any game played at Silverbacks Indoor, whether it be a make-up game, forfeit or whatever, the referees will have the same authority as in a regular game and all penalties such as red cards will be enforced and carried over to your next game, even if it is in the next session.
All adult games will play two 23-minute halves with a 1-minute halftime. The referee may shorten the halftime interval. The clock will run at all times except in the case of an unusual delay, determined by the referee. If the clock is inoperable, the referee will keep time on a watch. Playoff games will be two 20 minute halves. Best out of 3 penalties will determine a winner if there is a tie. Penalty kickers may not repeat until everyone on the team has shot a penalty.
COED: If the game goes to penalties, for every 3 kicks, one of them must be done by a female.
The referee may stop the clock in the 2nd half in the final minite for any time wasting.
Games will start promptly at the scheduled game time, per Silverbacks Indoor clock. Kicking the ball outside of the playing field is prohibited. When the previous game ends, teams will be allowed a reasonable amount of time (two minutes) to get all equipment into the bench area and take the field. Forfeit time is 9 minutes passed the scheduled game time. Minimum number of players needed to start coed and U-13 and above games is four, U-12 and below is five. A goal will be given every 2 minutes to the team who is ready at the start of the scheduled time.
The kick off shall be taken by the visiting team (2nd team listed). Teams change ends at the start of each new period or half. When the referee signals, the game will be started by a player taking a place-kick (a kick at the ball while it is stationary on the ground in the center of the field of play) into field of play. Every player shall be in his own half of the field and every player of the team opposing that of the kicker shall remain not less than ten (10) feet from the ball until it is kicked off.
The kicker shall not play the ball a second time until it has been touched or played by another player. A goal can be scored directly from a kick-off. ALL KICKS ARE DIRECT. After a goal has been scored, the game shall be restarted in the above manner by the team conceding the goal.
RESTARTS FOR UNUSUAL CAUSES For restarts in unusual circumstances (i.e. after injury), the game resumes with a kick, from the location of the ball when play is stopped. The team that had clear possession prior to the stoppage takes this kick. If there is no clear possession, then the game will be restarted with a drop ball at the point where the ball was when the game was stopped. If the game was stopped inside the penalty area, all restarts, whether by kick or drop ball, will be from the top of the restraining arc. DROP BALL – The ball shall be deemed in play when the referee drops the ball and it has touched the floor. A player shall not play the ball until it has touched the floor. FIVE SECOND PLAY REQUIREMENT -Failure by a team to put the ball into play within five seconds, as signaled by the referee, shall result in a possession turnover to the opponent.
The ball is in play at all times unless indicated by the referee including:
a. If it rebounds from a goal-post, cross bar, or the perimeter wall into the field;
b. If it rebounds off the referee when he is in the field of play;
c. In the event of a supposed infringement of the laws until a decision is given.
The ball is out of play:
a. When it has wholly crossed the perimeter wall.
b. When it hits outside the perimeter walls or netting.
c. When it makes contact with any part of the building superstructure above the field of play or goes over the netting. A free kick will be awarded to the opposing team at the center of their attacking red line. There will be a two-minute time penalty.
d. When the game has been stopped by the referee
Intentionally hitting the ball hard enough to hit the superstructure, ceiling, or lighting will be cause for a red card issued by the referee and deemed as an intent to destroy property of Silverbacks Indoor. The player will also be banned from Silverbacks Indoor. A five (5) minute penalty will be assessed to the offending team and a direct kick awarded to the opposing team.
LEGAL GOAL – A goal is scored when the whole of the ball has passed over the goal line, between the goal posts and under the crossbar, provided it has not been thrown, carried or otherwise propelled by hand or arm, by a player of the attacking side, except in the case of a goalkeeper who was within his own penalty area when he legally propelled the ball. One point for each goal scored.
COED: All goals made by a female is worth 2 points (execpt for penalty shootouts)
SCORING – Games can end in a tie (except championships).
FORFEITS – Any team who receives a win because of a forfeit will receive a score of 4-0. The team that forfeited takes a 0-4 loss. Once a game has started and a team decides for any reason they want to forfeit, or they are forced to forfeit, the team forfeiting will receive a loss of 0-4 and the opposing team will be awarded a win of 4-0.
Win = 3 points
Tie = 1 point
Loss = 0 points
LEAGUE DIVISIONS TIES – Any league divisions ending in a tie at the end of the league season shall be governed by the following tie breaking system order:
1. Comparison of goal differential during the season.
2. Head to head result.
3. Comparison of most “goals for” during the season.
4. Comparison of least “goals against” during the season.
THREE LINE PASS VIOLATION – A player is guilty of a three-line violation when he/she passes the ball across three lines (two red and center line) in the air, toward the opponents goal-line, without touching or having been played by another player prior to passing the 2nd red line. The whole of the ball must have crossed both red lines. If the ball is placed on one red line and kicked from there and then crosses over the other red line, there is no violation. If the ball is played against the perimeter wall before it crosses three lines, no violation will occur. If a three-line pass is declared, the referee shall award a direct free kick, which shall be taken by a player of the opposing team, from the center point of the first red line the ball crossed.
FIVE SECOND RULE – Failure by a team to put the ball into play within five seconds, as signaled by the referee, shall result in a possession turnover to the opponent. When playing as goal keeper:
a. Failure to distribute the ball having held it in his hands over five seconds, which, in the opinion of the referee, is designed merely to hold up the game shall be penalized by the award of a direct kick to be taken by the opposing team from the top of the restraining arc.
A player who commits any of the following offenses while the ball is in play shall be penalized by the referee awarding a direct free kick to the opposing team, to be taken at the point of the infraction, unless the offense is committed by a player in his opponents goal area, in such case the free kick shall be taken from a point anywhere within that half of the goal area in which the offense occurred. ALL FREE KICKS ARE DIRECT.
a. Kicks, or attempts to kick, an opponent;
b. Trips an opponent (Throwing or attempting to throw an opponent by use of the legs or by stooping in front of or behind him/her);
c. Jumps at an opponent;
d. Charges an opponent
e. Charges an opponent in a violent or dangerous manner;
f. Strikes, elbows, attempts to strike or elbow, or spits at an opponent. A time penalty must be assessed for any of these offenses. Spitting calls for immediate ejection; as well as any racial slur.
g. Holds an opponent;
h. Pushes an opponent;
i. Handles the ball, (i.e. carries, stripes or propels the ball with his arm or hand). This does not apply to the goalkeeper within his own penalty area;
j. Boarding (i.e. propelling an opponent into the perimeter wall) in a violent or dangerous manner. A 5 minute time penalty will be assessed for boarding;
k. Dangerous play – Playing in a manner considered by the referee to be dangerous, i.e. attempting to kick the ball while held by the goalkeeper;
l. Charging fairly at an improper time (i.e. playing with the shoulder, when the ball is not within playing distance of the players concerned);
m. Impeding – When not playing the ball, intentionally impeding an opponent, i.e. running between the opponent and the ball, or interposing the body so as to form an obstacle to an opponent;
n. Charging the goalkeeper – Body contact in the goal area between an attacking player and the opposing goalkeeper not in possession of the ball.
o. Slide-tackling!
p. Players shouting at players during the game will be assessed a foul and a free kick given to the opposing team from the spot of the foul.
q. Denies the opposing team a goal or an obvious goal-scoring opportunity by deliberately handling the ball (This does not apply to a goalkeeper within his own penalty area).
r. Playing on the ground (inlcudes lunge if one knee is down)
Due to the widespread restrictions on slide tackling and the potentially dangerous nature of the tactic in proximity to dasher boards, slide tackling is not permitted! Referees will use discretion for normal goalkeeper play within the penalty area. If any of the above offenses are deemed by the referee to be of a serious nature, he/she shall caution the offender, assess a two-minute penalty to be served by the offender, and award a direct free kick from the place where the offense has occurred to be taken by an opponent.
GOALKEEPING RESTRICTIONS – The following infractions shall cause the referee to stop play and award a direct kick to the opposing team at the top of the restraining arc:
a. The handling (other than kicking) of an intentional over and back pass from a teammate
b. Three line pass violation. If a three-line pass is declared, the referee shall award a direct free kick, which shall be taken by a player of the opposing team, from the center point of the first red line the ball crossed.
c. Five-second distribution: A goalkeeper, in possession of the ball within the penalty area, must distribute the ball outside of the penalty area or to another player within five seconds of having received the ball within the penalty area. Possession shall be defined as control with hand or foot.
d. Illegal procedure – Handling: A goalkeeper who receives or carries the ball outside of the penalty area by foot, shall not handle the ball inside the penalty area prior to the ball being touched by another player or prior to a stoppage in play. Additionally, the following situations specifically concerning goalkeepers shall apply:
e. Handball outside penalty area: Intentional handball violations committed by the goalkeeper outside the penalty area shall be interpreted to be “severe in nature” and a time penalty may be assessed against the goalkeeper who, in the opinion of the referee, intentionally handles the ball to break up a play or save a shot at goal outside of the penalty area. Situations whereby the goalkeeper first handles the ball within the penalty area but his momentum carries him outside the penalty area while handling the ball shall not be deemed “severe in nature”, and no time penalty shall be assessed.
f. Once the goalkeeper releases the ball with his hands, he is not permitted to handle the ball again until a member of the opposing team plays the ball unless a stoppage of play occurs. A player may pass the ball back to the goalkeeper within their own defensive zone, however the goalkeeper may not play the ball with his/her hands twice within the defensive zone unless a player from the opposing team has made contact with the ball. The foul will be assessed from the white dot at the top of the arc.
g. Goalkeeper striking: If, during play, the goalkeeper either intentionally strikes an opponent by throwing the ball violently at him or pushes him with the ball while holding it, the referee shall assess a time penalty. A penalty kick will be awarded if the offense was initiated in the penalty area.
h. No punting or drop kicks.
a. If a player intentionally impedes the opposing goalkeeper in an attempt to prevent him putting the ball into play, the referee shall award a free kick.
b. Endangering the goalkeeper: A player who intentionally commits a foul against the goalkeeper which, in the opinion of the referee, falls short of serious foul play (ejection) but, nevertheless, endangers the goalkeeper beyond what is considered to be a normal hazard of play shall be assessed a time penalty.
c. The goalkeeper shall have clear possession of the ball when he has it held in at least one hand or pinned against the floor, wall, post or crossbar with one or both hands.
TIME PENALTIES – Any technical two-minute time penalty assessed against the goalkeeper (i.e. kicking or throwing the ball over the netting or off the roof or superstructure) may be served by another member of his/her team. The goalkeeper will serve all time penalties assessed because of goalkeeper misconduct. All the penalties so served shall be charged against the goalkeeper. This includes instances whereby a field player has substituted the goalkeeper.
YELLOW CARD – 2-minute penalty. Example: boarding, dissent, persistent and or violent fouling, un-sportsmanlike conduct, intentionally kicking the ball so that it makes contact with any part of the building above the field of play or goes over the netting. The cautioned player may be replaced by a field player.
RED CARD – 5 minute major (referees discretion) plus ejection and at least a one game suspension is mandatory. Suspension does not include the game from which you were suspended. It is the next game or games. A player or coach receiving a red card may be asked to leave the facility (referee’s discretion). If the player refuses to leave, or delays leaving, the game may be declared a forfeit with the team whose player refused to leave forfeiting the game.
All time penalties are to be served in full by the player receiving the time penalty. If a team serving a time penalty is scored on that team may send in a player to replace the player that received the time penalty. If both teams have players serving time penalties and a team scores only the team scored against may replace a player. Penalty time begins when the ball is put back into play.
EJECTIONS – A player or non-player shall be ejected for incidents of:
a. Violent conduct or serious foul play
b. Foul or abusive language or action
c. Accumulation of two yellow card time penalties
d. Disrespect for referee or staff of Silverbacks Indoor.
Suspensions may include coaches, spectators, and/or players. The maximum suspension for any offense is indefinite suspension from the facility. Maximum penalties are decided by facility or league management. Suspensions may also include our Atlanta Silverbacks Park outdoor location.
Offense/Infraction | Discipline Minimum Suspension |
Abuse to any participant | 3 games | ||||
Abuse to a referee | 3 games | ||||
Assault to any participant | 1 year | ||||
Assault on a referee | 1 year | ||||
Entering field without permission | 3 games | ||||
Fighting: i.e., between players | 3 games |
EJECTED COACH RESTRICTIONS – An ejected coach may not, from the time of his ejection until the conclusion of the game, have any communication with his team’s players in the arena.
DELAYED TIME PENALTIES (Yellow Card Advantage) – In situations where the referee would want to penalize a player for an infraction by issuing a time penalty, while at the same time wishes to apply the advantage clause, the referee shall acknowledge the foul and signal that the advantage is being continued by raising a Yellow Card above his head and maintaining that signal until such time as:
a. Opponent Possession: the offending team gains control of the ball, upon which the referee shall signal the foul by means of a whistle and appropriately penalize the offending player. Possession shall be defined as a player having clear control of the ball for more than one second. The restart should be at the point of the original infraction or at the top of the restraining arc if the offense took place inside the offended team’s penalty area.
b. Stoppage: The referee stops play by whistling any other stoppage (i.e. foul by either team or ball out-of-play). The player guilty of the foul, which initiated the Yellow Card, shall be appropriately penalized, and play should be restarted as appropriate for the original offense. If a foul is committed during the advantage worthy of a second time penalty, both penalties shall be assessed and appropriately served. If both penalties (Yellow Card penalties) are assessed against one offender, he/she shall be ejected.
c. Goal: A goal is scored during the Yellow Card Advantage, upon which the offending player’s penalty shall be recorded for accumulation purposes. The full time penalty shall be served even if the offended team before the next stoppage of play scores a goal.
DURATION/EXPIRATION OF TIME PENALTIES – Time penalties shall be subject to the following concerning duration and expiration of penalty time. A player whose time penalty has expired must immediately leave the penalty area, subject to other restrictions in this section.
a. Multiple Penalties (Team): There must always be a minimum of four players on the field for each team. If a team has two players serving time penalties and a third player receives a time penalty, the third player must still serve their penalty and leave the field. He/she shall, however, be replaced by a substitute since four players must be on the playing field at all times. The team will play with four players until the second penalty has lapsed. However, after the first penalty has lapsed the player receiving that penalty can join the rotation of the four field players on a normal substitution basis. Once the second time penalty has lapsed the player receiving that penalty can rejoin the game without having to substitute one of the current field players. Likewise with the third penalty. If the team offended against scores, the opposing team may send in a player (other than the player serving the time penalty) for the first opposing player penalized.
b. Multiple Penalties (Player): Any player receiving two Yellow Card time penalties will be ejected.
PENALTIES ASSESSED TO GOALKEEPER – Any technical two-minute time penalty assessed against the goalkeeper (kicking or throwing the ball off the building or superstructure or over the netting) may be served by another member of his/her team. The goalkeeper will serve all time penalties assessed because of goalkeeper misconduct. All the penalties so served shall be charged against the goalkeeper. This includes instances whereby a field player has substituted the goalkeeper.
When play has been stopped for an infraction, play shall be restarted with a free-kick taken by a player from the opposing team. During the taking of a free kick, all of the opposing players shall be at least ten feet from the ball until it is in play. The opponent may be given a yellow card if he or she fails to give ten feet. The ball must be stationary when a free kick is taken and the kicker shall have five seconds within which to play the ball after being signaled to do so by the referee. Failure to put the ball into play within five seconds of the referee’s signal will result in the restart being “turned over” to the opponent. The ball shall be deemed in play when it has been touched. Under no circumstances may the player taking any free kick play the ball again before another player has touched it. Playing the ball twice includes playing the ball on the rebound off the perimeter wall, before another player has touched it. A goal may be scored directly against either team from such a kick.
LOCATION – Free kicks shall be taken from the point of infraction subject to exclusions listed herein or elsewhere in the rules. The referee may allow a free kick to be taken from a point near the point of infraction unless, in his opinion, a team gains an unfair advantage, in which case the kick shall be retaken.
FREE KICK IN DEFENSIVE GOAL AREA – A free kick awarded to the defending team, within its own goal area, may be taken from any point within the goal area in which the free kick has been awarded.
FREE KICK ORIGINATING IN PENALTY AREA – When a player is taking a free kick in his team’s penalty area, all opposing players shall remain behind the red line until the ball has cleared the penalty area. The ball shall be deemed in play after it has been touched and is beyond the penalty area. If the ball is not kicked directly into play, or if the kicker touches the ball again before it has left the penalty area, the kick shall be retaken. If the kicker touches the ball again after it has left the penalty area and before it has touched another player, a free kick shall be awarded to the opposing team at the top of the restraining arc.
FREE KICKS IN ATTACKING PENALTY AREA – Any free kick awarded to the attacking team for a foul or an infraction, which occurred in its opponent’s penalty area should be taken at the top of the restraining arc unless a penalty kick is awarded. Any foul on the defensive team inside the penalty area that would be an indirect free-kick outdoors will result in a free kick taken from the top of the restraining arc. This kick may be defended.
UNSPORTSMANLIKE CONDUCT TO PREVENT FREE KICK – If, when a free kick is being taken, any player makes gestures in a way to distract his opponents or encroaches into the penalty area or within ten (10) feet of the ball, the referee shall delay the taking of the kick until the law is complied with. If on the request of the referee, the player does not comply, he shall be deemed guilty of “unsportsmanlike conduct” and will be assessed a two minute time penalty.
VIOLATION/KICKER – If the kicker, after taking the free kick, plays the ball a second time before another player has touched it, a player of the opposing team at the point shall take a free kick where the second touch took place. If the kicker delays the free kick longer than five seconds after having received a signal from the referee, his team shall lose possession of the restart.
All players except the goalkeeper and the shooter must be behind the closest red line at the taking of the penalty-kick.
PLEASE NOTE: Where, in the opinion of the referee, the foul leading to the award of a penalty kick was completely unintentional and not serious in nature, no two-minute time penalty need be served by the offending player. Time will be extended at the end of any period for the taking of a penalty kick.
KICK IN – When the whole of the ball passes over the perimeter wall or makes contact with a designated out-of-bounds area (e.g. netting or edges of the perimeter wall), it shall be kicked in from the point at which it passed over or made contact, by a player from the opposite team from that of the player last making contact. The ball shall be in play immediately after it has been touched, except in the case where the kick is taken from a point inside the penalty area, in which case it may not be played a second time nor shall it be deemed in play until it has exited the penalty area. A goal may be scored directly from such a kick.
a. Ball in Play: If the ball is not kicked beyond the penalty area, (i.e. directly into play), the kick shall be retaken. When a goal kick has been taken and the player who has kicked the ball touches it again before it has left the penalty area, the kick must be retaken. Goal kicks must be taken on or within goal kick area.
b. Player Positions: Players of the team opposing that of the player taking the kick shall remain outside the penalty area until the ball has left the penalty area.
c. Violations/Kicker: If a player taking a goal kick plays the ball a second time after it has exited the penalty area, but before another player has touched it, a free kick shall be awarded to the opposing team.
CORNER KICK – When the whole of the ball having been last played by one of the defending team passes over the end perimeter wall or makes contact with a designated out of bounds area between the corner markings, excluding when a legal goal is scored, a member of the attacking team shall take a corner kick. A goal may be scored directly from such a kick. Players of the team opposing that of the player taking the corner kick shall not cross the goal keepers area if forming a wall.
PLACEMENT – The whole of the ball shall be placed on the nearest corner mark, and it shall be kicked in from that position.
ROSTER CONSIDERATIONS – A maximum of fifteen players (15), youth teams and adult teams, may be placed on a team roster for one team in the same age group/league. Players must be able to provide proof of age when requested by Silverbacks Indoor management. The following will be accepted as proof of age:
a. Birth certificate or copy,
b. Driver’s license,
c. Resident alien (green) card,
d. Passport,
e. National
Silverbacks Indoor management before the start of each game may check rosters. Any player found to be ineligible will be banned from the game.
All rosters are final after the team’s 3rd game.
A team can request a roster check on the opposing team after the 3rd game of the season. This request must be made before the game starts. A guest player can be used in the regular season with the opposing team captain approval. No guest players allowed in the playoffs. Players who have not played at least 3 regular season games are not eligible for playoffs
GUEST PLAYERS – If your team roster falls below the required number of players to field a team, you may be allowed to play guest players to meet required number of players. To use guest players, you must get the opposing captain’s approval before the game starts. If approval is not obtained, the game will be played as a friendly game and recorded as a forfeit in the standings. Guest players who are not a part of the team roster will be charged a $15 play per game fee.
TEAM MANAGER: Every youth team is required to have an adult (minimum age 21 years old) on the bench to supervise the team. Failure to have this individual will result in a forfeit of the game. Only players and 1 coach are permitted in the player’s boxes. A team having a nonparticipating person in the players box area will be accessed a 2-minute penalty
Adult league team captains are responsible for controlling the conduct of their teams. They are also the only person on the field allowed to talk to the referee.
ADMINISTRATION AND DISCIPLINE – Will be handled by the league manager or general manager of Silverbacks Indoor.
DISCIPLINE – At the discretion of the designated official, the following minimums will be enforced:
a. 2 yellow cards in one game – ejection from game and suspension from next game;
b. 1st red card – ejection from game and suspension from next game;
c. 2nd red card ejection for balance of session or if final game of session ejection from first 2 games of next session.
Silverbacks Indoor also reserves the right to suspend any player for actions while within the facility included but not limited to profanity, inappropriate comments, fighting, etc.
INJURIES, DAMAGE, THEFT, OR LOSS – The game of soccer involves physical contact. The facility, sponsors or any authorized representative, agent or employee of these shall not be responsible for any expense incurred by any team if the event is canceled in whole or in part or for any liability in connection with the event for personal injury or property loss in connection with traveling to, participating in, or traveling home from the event. Each team, player, coach or fan shall participate at his or her own risk.
INCLEMENT WEATHER – All teams are encouraged to do everything within their power to attend games. In the event of bad weather resulting in a team’s inability to compete, a forfeit will result unless the facility has canceled the game.
NO SHOW & SPIRIT OF THE GAME POLICY – If a team fails to show for a scheduled game, the use of the field by the opposing team is at the discretion of the facility management. Teams are requested to appreciate that forfeiture is not in the “spirit” of the competition and detracts from the enjoyment of the event by participants. Where a coach has stated his intent to throw a game or states his intent to encourage his players to perform at sub par levels, or where one of the players or parents from that team admits Silverbacks Indoor management that this occurred; the management has the right to disqualify the team concerned from further participation. Also, if a team does not show and forfeits two consecutive games, the team will be removed from the league with no refunds.
Teams are only allowed players who are 30 years of age and older.
CO-ED DIVISION – When 3or more divisions are being used, no player can play in all divisions. Any player playing in the top (Premier) division can not play in the lowest division.
GOALKEEPER – The goalkeeper may be male or female.
SCORING – Goals scored by females are worth 2 points; goals scored by males are worth 1 point. When a ball is deflected by the defensive team player and goes into the goal, the last player to touch it on the offensive team is credited with the goal. If that person is a female, it counts as 2 points.
TIME PENALTIES – If a male player receives a time penalty and the team is playing short a male player, a female player may not be substituted for by a male player, in order for the team to have four males and one female during the time penalty. A female may substitute for another female player, during the time penalty, but the team cannot play with more than three males.
TIE BREAKER PROCEDURE – A game that ends in a tie, where a winner must be declared shall have the winner decided as follows. Each team will choose any 3 players on the roster (Co-ed teams must use at least 1 women for the 3) to participate in the shoot-out. The home team will go first. Each team will take 3 kicks alternating each time. If one team has scored more goals than the other could even if it were to complete its 3 kicks the shoot-out is finished. If the score is tied after 3 kicks the teams shall continue (using different players until everyone on the team has taken a turn) with the kicks until one team has scored a goal more than its opponent within its turn. The referee will place the ball goal side on the center circle. The shooter will have 5 seconds to get off a shot on goal from the time he/she touches the ball after the referees whistle. U-12 and below 6 seconds. The shoot-out attempt is over after the shooter has made his attempt or 5 seconds has elapsed (U-12 and below 6 seconds), whichever comes first. The shooter is not allowed to play rebounds. The goalkeeper must start be on the goal line. Any foul by the keeper results in a penalty kick without the keeper in goal. This includes fouls outside the penalty area.
PROTEST – The only protest that Suwanee Indoor will accept is a protest concerning player eligibility. No protests will be accepted concerning official’s calls. During the playoffs, a team must protest a game before it starts.

Silverbacks Suwanee Indoor
4285 Brogdon Exchange NE,
Suwanee, GA 30024